The Words Agency

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What price words? Well, a very high one if you get them wrong.

Too often the quality of content that companies and individuals shower on an unsuspecting and overburdened audience is badly written, ungrammatical, mis-spelt and just a complete waste of everyone’s time.

And too many organisations think that they can just get away with it. Wrong.

An analysis of website data by a leading online expert shows that even just a simple mis-spelt word can cut online sales IN HALF.

Charles Duncombe of the Just Say Please web group says his survey shows that British companies are losing millions of pounds a week just through poor quality spelling and grammar.

successPicture Credit: Noomh, FreeDigitalPhotos
They may sound like old-fashioned skills, but when it comes to credibility, they are vital for any company communicating with outsiders. Communication is 99% of the time by words, so if you get them wrong… fill in the apposite word yourself. But there is another aspect to the maintaining of online and textual credibility.

The fear of fraud and online safety is widespread among web users, and it is vital to get the basics right to maintain confidence in a website. When a reader is worried about spam or phishing crass textual errors in a marketing email, or on a website give exactly the wrong impression and immediately raise suspicions – and a finger over the delete button.

Research shows that a website has a mere six seconds to attract a reader. If the words are wrong, your potential customer will have an extra five seconds to spend somewhere else.

So get it right, and if you are worried about getting it right, get The Words Agency.